service in town!
service in town!
service in town!

Limpeza a Seco
Também dispomos de serviços de limpeza a seco, para mais informações, por favor “Fale Connosco” ou contacte-nos em Loja.

Limpeza a Seco
Também dispomos de serviços de limpeza a seco, para mais informações, por favor “Fale Connosco” ou contacte-nos em Loja.

Lavandaria Self-Service
Eficiencia e Rapidez - Aproveite o seu tempo com roupa pronta em menos de 1 hora. Máquinas robustas e eficientes, com excelentes produtos lavagem, onde...
Lavandaria Self-Service
Eficiencia e Rapidez - Aproveite o seu tempo com roupa pronta em menos de 1 hora. Máquinas robustas e eficientes, com excelentes produtos lavagem, onde...

Tratamento da Roupa em Loja
Tratamos da sua roupa como fosse a nossa. "Basta deixar a sua roupa e quando tiver pronta recebe um telefonema para vir buscar, assim ficará...
Tratamento da Roupa em Loja
Tratamos da sua roupa como fosse a nossa. "Basta deixar a sua roupa e quando tiver pronta recebe um telefonema para vir buscar, assim ficará...

Smart Laundry
Smart Laundry - Lavandaria Take-Away - Para facilitar a sua vida "Este Serviço permite usufruir dos serviços da Lavandaria da Esquina de forma quase instantanea,...
Smart Laundry
Smart Laundry - Lavandaria Take-Away - Para facilitar a sua vida "Este Serviço permite usufruir dos serviços da Lavandaria da Esquina de forma quase instantanea,...

Recolha e Entrega ao Domicilio
Recolha e Entrega ao Domicilio - Maxima Comidade e Exigência

Why will you choose our services?
Bixol is a design studio founded in London and expanded our services, and become a multinational firm, offering solutions Worldwide. Our team have designed game changing products, consulted for companies as well.
We are Bixol! Learn more about us.
About us!
Services we provide
Satisfied Clients
Expert Team
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Awards Winning
We have a expert team to serve you.
We love what we do and we do it with passion. We value the experimentation of the message and smart incentives.
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We are offering the best pricing to help you!
We love what we do and we do it with passion. We value the experimentation, the reformation of the message, and the smart incentives.
Yearly Save 20%
Best choice
Small Business
5-19 Employees

Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For:
Best choice
Small Business
5-19 Employees

Plus One-Time Bambee In-Depth HR Audit For:
We are very happy for client’s reviews.
We value the experimentation, the reformation of the message, and the smart incentives. We offer a variety of services and solutions Worldwide.
As a app web crawler expert, I help organi
zations adjust to the expanding significace of internet promoting. placeholder text for use in your graphic, print.

Farhan Rio
Agent Manager
As a app web crawler expert, I help organi
zations adjust to the expanding significace of internet promoting. placeholder text for use in your graphic, print.

Leofar Tom
Founder of Ref Group
As a app web crawler expert, I help organi
zations adjust to the expanding significace of internet promoting. placeholder text for use in your graphic, print.

Rapht Goki
Agent Manager
As a app web crawler expert, I help organi
zations adjust to the expanding significace of internet promoting. placeholder text for use in your graphic, print.

Amy Herzog
Agent Manager
As a app web crawler expert, I help organi
zations adjust to the expanding significace of internet promoting. placeholder text for use in your graphic, print.

Jeff Adams
Founder of Ref Group
As a app web crawler expert, I help organi
zations adjust to the expanding significace of internet promoting. placeholder text for use in your graphic, print.

Moe Ammar
Agent Manager
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Follow our latest news and thoughts which focuses exclusively on design, art, vintage, and also work updates.
Serviços Inovadores da Lavandaria da Esquina: O Cuidado com Suas Roupas
Quality service begins with quality people. Each CleanNet® certified operator receives...
Descubra as Vantagens da Lavandaria da Esquina: Tudo o que precisa saber
Quality service begins with quality people. Each CleanNet® certified operator receives...
Venha Conhecer a Lavandaria da Esquina na Parede!
Quality service begins with quality people. Each CleanNet® certified operator receives...